
Showing posts from January, 2019

Disproportionate Photo

BLOBZILLA Rated R This is the disproportionate art I took a blobfish and made him huge. I chose the blobfish because people see him as a monster so I made him a Zilla by sizing him and cutting a hole in the city.

World Traveler Picture

This is my World Traveler Picture I took a picture of myself then I put me on one of the 7107 islands in the Philippines. I took a picture of myself then put me in the Philippines.

Dream Room

This is my dream room. It has a supa fast race car bed and a desk with computer cause the rest of the room is in the picture. I put up a poster of a Man Fairy.

Black/White Image

This is my color black/white image. I just shade with black then get some color and did the rest. It was hard because when I over laired something it made little dark marks which you can see in the sky.


This is my Cubism Art. All I had to do was gather body parts and attach them. I found all the best body parts like, Thanos Chin Pewdiepie's eyes KSI's forehead Dantdm's  Mr.Bean and Steve Harvey's face Obama's nose

Surrealist Portrait

I'm bad at making people so I made this masterpiece!!! I took a picture of Kermit then covered him in fruit with Ripe Banana, Pineapple leaves, strawberry, watermelon, avocado, lemon, and blueberries.